Skinformation : Things to know about the pH level of your skin and ways to protect it

Skinformation : What is up Readers?

In the last article, I shared few information about our skin you can read that Skinformation by visiting our website or you can just click here, so I thought, why not continue it further and get to know few more amazing facts about our skin.


Human skin is surely a unique organ of our body. It does so much to protect us. They are tough as well as sensitive at certain parts. Let’s dive in to know more!

What is pH?

Some of us have surely heard of the word pH thrown casually by the brands in their advertisements. Well, what exactly is pH ?

PH scale chart on blackboard

The full form of pH is Potential Hydrogen. It refers to the levels of acid present in our skin.
The scale of skin pH ranges from 0-14 where 7 considered as ‘neutral’.
So, the level lower than 7 is acidic in nature and anything higher than 7 is alkaline in nature.
An adult human skin pH level is 5.7.
Different skin parts have different pH level. Parts like genitals, armpits, butts are more acidic compared to other exposed areas like arms, legs, chest, face. They are more alkaline. And that’s the reason, we have lotions and creams and washes specifically formulated for different parts of our body.

Fun Fact

  • A new born baby’s skin has high pH level i.e., 7 than any normal adult human skin i.e., 5.7 and it gradually adjust with time
  • A normal vaginal pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5, which is moderately acidic. Normal body and face washes that have different pH level and are meant for the body can cause rashes, itching and infections, if applied on vaginal areas

Our skin tends to acts out when the level of pH is disbalanced.
So next time don’t reach out for your body wash or soap while washing your face, or apply your body lotion on your face, or wash your vagina with washes that are not meant for intimate areas.

Toodles for now… See you next time !!! 👋

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